Aglaonema Symbolism: Friendship Independence, loyalty, luck, peace, prosperity, stability, and support.
Place by your front door or right corner of a room to bring in good will and kind people. Place it in the north facing window to bring happy energy.
Rachael Cohn~Everyday Plant Magic.
Juliet Diaz~ Plant Witchery
Light: Bright indirect light. Can tolerate low light but may lose some vibrancy of color.
Water: keep soil damp but not soggy. A well draining aroid soil will help hold moisture while allowing air flow to the roots.
Temps: keep temps above 65 degrees and avoid drafty areas.
Pets: Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting (not horses), difficulty swallowing. For more information please visit…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit,fortune,prosperity,success, ballance, harmony, stability
Alocasia Symbolism: Action, creativity, courage, self-love, and speaking the truth. Strength and balance.
Keep near your work space to increase creativity and confidence.
For balance place in an open space.
Cohen Rachael ~ Everyday Plant Magic.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light is best.
Water: Water when the top half of soil feels dry. your alocasia will love a well draining soil that can also retain moisture. We recommend our aroid mix found here…
Temps: Best between 70 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Contains insoluble oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family. Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe. For more information please visit
Plant Tip! Alocasia can lose their leaves and become dormant. Don’t throw yours out, keep taking care of it and you should see new leaves in no time!
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit,
Aloe symbolizes: Beauty, healing, longevity, protection, support, and worthiness.
Place near doors and window for protection. Place in kitchen for healing and longevity.
Rachael Cohen ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Bright indirect light for 6 to 8 hours a day.
Water: Aloe Vera stores water in its leaves. Overwatering is detrimental. We like to wait until the leaves are showing signs of thirst, they will be softer and possibly have some wrinkles. Soak your soil thoroughly when your plant is ready.
Temps: Best between 55 and 85 degrees. Keep out of drafty areas.
Pets: Can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
A stunning flowering bulb.
Amaryllis Symbolizes: Determination, Beauty , and Love.
Reblooming tips:
As flowers begin to fade cut the bloom off leaving the stalk. Remove the stalks once they have yellowed. Do not remove the leaves and keep the plant in a bright area.
For amaryllis to rebloom, they need to be exposed to cool temperatures for a period. This can be done by forcing your plants into dormancy by placing them in a cool (45 to 55°F), dark location. The bulb will need to go through a resting period for approximately eight to twelve weeks before it can be forced to bloom again. During this time, do not water the plants. Once the leaves become yellow, they can be removed.
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, sprit, love, determination, beauty
Aeschynanthus – Lipstick plant
Aeschynanthus Symbolize: Creativity, abundance, and happiness
Keep in your work space or place of business to bring money, customers, and success.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery.
Lipsticks are easy to care for making them perfect for a beginner and expert alike!
Light: Medium to bright light. More light increases it’s ability to flower.
Water: Water when the top layer of soil is dry.
Temps: Ideal temps are between 70 and 80 degrees. Can tolerate temps as low as 65 degrees.
Humidity: Can tolerate normal household humidity, but will be even happier with more.
Pets: Safe for pets. For more information please visit
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, sprit, love, determination, beauty, growth, explanation, transformation, medicinal
Araucaria heterophylla ‘Norfolk Island Pine’:
Begonias have some of the most diverse leaves and biggest arrays of colors.
Begonias symbolize: Starting over with hope, new opportunities, and a fresh start.
Light: bright indirect light
Water: Keep soil damp but be careful not to over water. I water roughly every two days.
Temps: Best kept between 65 and 80 degrees.
Tip: Begonias tend to drop leaves when they change environments. Don’t give up on your new plant. Give it time to adjust.
Pets: contain the same crystals as the philodendron but also a crystal that can cause kidney injury and inflammation. Both dogs and cats can have the same stomach irritation previously discussed, but also fine muscle movements, lethargy, and a decrease in appetite. For more information please visit…
Light: bright indirect light
Water: Keep soil damp but be careful not to over water. A well draining peat based soil will go a long way in keeping your begonia happy! Check out our organic peat based soil here…
Temps: Best kept between 65 and 80 degrees.
Pets: contain the same crystals as the philodendron but also a crystal that can cause kidney injury and inflammation. Both dogs and cats can have the same stomach irritation previously discussed, but also fine muscle movements, lethargy, and a decrease in appetite. For more information please visit…
Tip: Sometimes Begonia’s throw a fit when they change environments. If your leaves start browning and you lose some do not fret. Just keep caring for your plant. It will bounce back.
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, New beginnings, starting over,
fresh start, hope
Cacti symbolize: Authenticity, boundaries, energizing, focus, healing, protection, self-acceptance, and strength.
Place in entryways to protect against unwanted energies.
Light: Bright light. Can tolerate direct light with hardening off
Water: Allow soil to completely dry out then wait another week before fully soaking soil.
Temps: Best kept above 50 degrees
Pets: Information varies depending on the type
Caladium symbolizes: Luck, abundance and love.
Place in your dining area to improve clarity and communication.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Bright indirect light
Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Caladium prefer to stay slightly damp.
Temps: Best kept above 75 degrees. Plant may go dormant if temps drop below 75 for too long a period.
Pets: This plant contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family. Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and oral cavity. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe.
Calathea symbolizes: Strength, balance, and clarity.
Place in a sacred space to bring duality of light and dark.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water: Calathea can be a bit picky. They need a lot of humidity and do not like to dry out. Keep soil damp but not soggy.
Humidity: Calathea like high humidity. You can provide this with a humidifier, misting water above the leaves, or placing the plant on a wet pebble tray.
Temp: Keep temps between 60 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Safe for pets. For more information please visit…
Ceropegia – String of hearts:
These fast growing vines with their thick heart shaped leaves and peculiar flowers are impossible to resist! The vines grow so quickly you can practically see it happening before your eyes.
Light: Bright indirect light is best. Can tolerate direct light for small portions of time.
Water: Allow the top half of soil to dry. Well draining soil is key! They store water in their leaves. It is better to under water them than to over water.
Temps: Best kept between 60 and 75 degrees.
Humidity: This plant loves humidity but will be just fine regular home humid levels.
Pets: Safe for pets!
For more information please visit
Chamaedorea cataractarum – Cat Palm
Palms symbolize: Ambition, energy clearing, generosity, manifestation, motivation, purification, sacredness, strength, and victory/
Place in gathering areas of the home to enhance motivation and promote rejuvenation.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Chlorophytum – Spider plant
Chlorophytum symbolizes: Abundance and energy clearing
Set intentions for abundance as you transfer the spider babies. Place in all rooms of your home to absorb negative energy. Place by your front door for protection and to bring peaceful energy.
Light: Low to bright light. Avoid direct sunlight.
Watering: Allow to dry between watering.
Temp: Keep between 60 and 85 degrees
Pets: Spider plants are safe for pets. However they are similar to catnip, if in reach your cat is likely to chew the leaves.
For more information please visit…
Citrus Symbolizes: Attraction, energy, happiness, longevity, love,protection,purifying, uplifting.
Cohen Rachael. Everyday Plant Magic. Hardie Grant Books 2022.
Pink and Variegated lemons! How could you resist. The fruit on the tree is edible with variegated yellow and green lemons, and pink flesh inside! But even when these trees are not fruiting they have variegated leaves that give off a subtle lemony scent! This tree is not currently fruiting. The last photo is a photo of what the fruit will look like.
Light: Bright direct light
Water: Water when top layer of soil is dry. Best kept in a well draining soil. Lemons do not like wet feet.
Temps: Best kept between 65 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Vomiting, diarrhea, depression; potential dermatitis. Fruit is edible, skins and plant material can cause problems. For more information please visit…
Coleus Symbolizes: Purity, devotion, and spiritual awakening.
Light: Low to medium light.
Water: Prefers to stay slightly damp at all times, but can tolerate some drying out and will wilt dramatically when they’re in need of water.
Temps: Best kept above 60 degrees.
Tips: Prune off the tips to encourage the plants to stay bushy.
Pets: Not safe for pets. For more information please visit the ASPCA website.
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, medicinal, purity, devotion, awakening
Light: Succulents need as much light as you can give them. In the winter a south facing window is best. During the rest of the year they’ll be happy in any area that gets bright but indirect light.
Water: Succulents store water in their leaves making these plants very hard to underwater. However they can be easily overwatered. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering then give them a good soak. I like to wait till the leaves look a little wrinkled.
Temps: best kept between 55 and 85 degrees
Pets: Belongs to a group of plants that contain cardiac toxins (bufadienolides). However, ingestion by dogs and cats most often results in gastrointestinal irritation or upset. If a large enough amount is ingested there may still be risk for more severe signs including changes in heart rate and rhythm, weakness, and collapse. For more information please visit
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Protection over orphaned children, Healing properties.
Crassula Symbolizes: Abundance, acceptance, creativity, ease, friendship, longevity, luck, and prosperity.
Place by your front door and in the back left corner of your home to attract financial abundance.
Cohen Rachael – Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Succulents need about 6 to 8 hours of light a day.
Water: Succulents store water in their leaves making these plants very hard to underwater. However they can be easy to over water. Wait until the soil is completely dry before watering then give them a good soak. I like to wait till the leaves look a little wrinkled, then give it a good soak.
Temps: best kept between 55 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Not safe for pets…
Dieffenbachia symbolizes: Protection and energy clearing.
Dieffenbachia will alert you to negative energy by yellowing leaves. Keep in your home and in your office to prevent negative energy from invading your space.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Easy to care for plant with lush showy leaves and stunning pattern.
Light: Thrives in bright indirect light. Can tolerate medium light.
Water: Keep soil lightly damp but not soggy. Can allow some drying out.
Temp: Keep temperatures above 60 degrees. Does not like cool drafty areas.
Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe. For more information please visit
Important note: The sap in Dieffenbachia can cause a rash or even blisters. This tends to worsen with more exposure. Be mindful when pruning and repotting your plant.
Dracaena symbolizes: Abundance, feminine energy, action oriented ambition, independence, inspiration, magnetic, motivation, protective, and purifying.
Place in office or workspace for motivation and success.
Rachael Cohen ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
One of the easiest houseplants around with many cool varieties.
Light: Medium to low light.
Watering: Water when the top layer of soil is dry. Can tolerate low levels of draught. Dracaena can be sensitive to fluoride.
Pets: Not safe for pets.
Pet information is from The Pet Poison Helpline. For more information visit their website.
Epipremnum Symbolizes: Abundance, ambition, awareness, determination, longevity, spiritual growth, and success.
Place in bedrooms and sacred places for restorative energy.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Epipremnumm do well in any lighting. However low light may cause them to turn a darker green and lose variegation.
Water: Allow soil to dry before watering. You can even wait for the plant to look a little sad and droopy then give it a good soak.
Temp: keep between 60 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family. Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe. For more information please visit…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, luck, prosperity, medicinal
A unique fast growing succulent with beautiful variegation. These plants are often referred to as good luck plants because of how quickly they grow! As these succulents grow they will branch out.
Euphorbia symbolizes: Good luck.
Light: Indirect bright sunlight. A south facing window in the winter is best.
Water: Succulents store water, they can be very easy to overwater. Wait for these to dry out between watering. Well draining soil will help prevent overwatering.
Temps: Keep temperatures above 55 degrees.
Pets: Euphorbia species plants may cause irritation to the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, skin, and eyes following exposure. This is largely due to the milky sap within the plant that contains numerous irritants. For more information please visit…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Good luck, medicinal uses.
Ferns symbolize: Authenticity, awareness, comfort, expansion, protection, sensuality, wisdom and intuition.
Place in bedrooms to aid in sleep. Ferns on your property and in your home will protect your space from negativity and those with ill intentions.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water: Keep soil damp. Water lightly often.
Temps: Prefers temps between 70 to 75 degrees during the day and cooler temps around 65 degrees at night.
Prefers areas with high humidity.
Pets: Safe for pets!…
Ficus symbolizes: Abundance, authenticity, confidence, embodiment, gratitude, and happiness.
Place in the main area of the home to bring in confidence and gratitude.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Ficus symbolizes: Abundance, authenticity, confidence, embodiment, gratitude, and happiness.
Place in the main area of the home to bring in confidence and gratitude.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water: Keep soil damp. Does not like wet feet. Water when the very top layer is dry.
Temps: Best between 60 to 80 degrees
Pets: Gastrointestinal and dermal irritation. For more information please visit…
Ginger symbolizes: self-awareness, unblocking, strength.
Keep Ginger in your pillow for a good nights sleep. Ginger root can be used to cleanse.
Light: Bright indirect light to direct light with hardening off.
Water: Keep soil damp but not soggy. Water when the top of the soil begins to feel dry. These plants give great visual ques, curling their leaves when they are in need of water.
Temps: Best between 65 and 85 degrees
Humidity: Keep in a high humidity area. To increase humidity place next to a humidifier, on a pebble tray or mist the air around the leaves. Do not spray the leaves directly.
Pets: Safe for Pets!
A member of the Zingiberaceae Family.
Hedera symbolizes: New beginnings.
Inspiration to persevere and to try even in what seems like an impossible situation. The obstacles we face make us stronger and wiser.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Medium to bright light.
Water: Water when the top inch of soil or more is dry. Ivy’s do not like to stay wet. Well draining soil will go a long way towards keeping your Ivy happy. They’ll need more water in the winter when the air is dry.
Temps: prefers temperatures to be on the cool side between 50 and 70 degree.
Pets: Can cause Vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, diarrhea. Foliage is more toxic than berries. For more information please visit…
Light: Medium to bright light.
Water: Water when the top inch of soil or more is dry. Ivy’s do not like to stay wet. Well draining soil will go a long way towards keeping your Ivy happy. They’ll need more water in the winter when the air is dry.
Temps: prefers temperatures to be on the cool side between 50 and 70 degree.
Pets: Can cause Vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, diarrhea. Foliage is more toxic than berries. For more information please visit…
Hibiscus symbolizes: Love, peace and healing
Hibiscus can be used to help you rediscover your zest for life. Teaches you to flow with life rather than against it, and to find harmony in all that you do.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Hoya’s Symbolize: Protection, psychic ability, intuition.
The flowers can help amplify your intuition and psychic abilities. The vines are best for protection. Set your intentions for each part of the plant.
Hoya’s are easy to care for plants especially with the proper soil. We recommend our aroid mix found in the soil bar.
Light: Bright indirect light is best. Can tolerate Medium light.
Water: Allow the top half of soil to dry. Well draining soil is key! Hoya’s store water in their leaves. It is better to under water them than to over water.
Temps: Best kept between 60 and 75 degrees.
Humidity: Can withstand low humidity (40%) but will be happier with more.
Pets: Safe for pets! For more information please visit…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal, skin care, antibacterial, intuition, balance, inward exploration
Maranta: Prayer Plant
Maranta Symbolizes: Healing, wisdom, opening the door between realms, and faith.
Connection with spirits.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
This plant gets it’s nick name from it’s active leaves that fold together like praying hands at night. The contrasting purple spots on green leaves remind people of bunny tracks!
Light: Medium to bright indirect light.
Water: Maranta can be a bit picky. They need a lot of humidity and do not like to dry out. Keep soil damp but not soggy.
Humidity: Maranta like high humidity. You can provide this with a humidifier, misting water above the leaves, or placing the plant on a wet pebble tray.
Temp: Keep temps between 60 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Safe for pets
For more information please visit…
Monstera symbolizes: Attraction, authenticity, beauty, curiosity, diversity, love, luxury, pleasure and tenacity. Creativity, abundance, and love.
Place near a window in a central location to encourage positive energy flow.
Place near a window for abundance.
Lighting: Needs medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun can burn the leaves.
Water: Water every 1 to 2 weeks. Allow soil to dry before watering.
Temp: Keep temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees.
Humidity: Prefers humid climates but can handle regular home humidity.
Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe. Please Visit… for more information.
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal,protection, healing, medicinal, inner strength, knowledge, enlightenment
Nematanthus: Goldfish Plant
Nematanthus Symbolizes:
Light: Low to bright indirect light. They need long periods of light in order to flower, but do not like direct light.
Water: Prefer to stay just slightly damp. They can tolerate drying out for small periods of time.
Temps: Best kept between 60 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Safe for Pets!
Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Banana’:
Bananas symbolize: Creativity and abundance
Set your intentions while cooking with bananas and eat them.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Needs at least 8 hours of bright light a day.
Water: Water thoroughly when soil is dry
Temps: Best above 65 degrees
Pets: Safe for pets!…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal, prosperity, luck, abundance
Oxalis symbolizes: love, psychic ability, opening the door between realms.
Plant outdoors and lay in the oxalis patch, or in doors run your hand through the leaves and meditate.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Bright light
Water: Water when the top half of soil dries. Somewhat draught tolerant and forgiving.
Temps: Best between 60 and 75 degrees
Tips: Oxalis may become dormant. Trim the leaves and continue care.
Pets: Not safe for pets. For more information please visit…
Peperomia symbolizes:
Care can vary depending on the type of peperomia. Some are semi succulent and like to dry out and others hate to be dry. Listen to your plant. Thick leaves store water, thin leaves do not.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Water: Look for signs of thirst and soak. Be careful to not water too frequently.
Temps: Best between 65 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Safe for Pets!…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal, Good luck, prosperity, protection, healing, medicinal
Philodendrons Symbolize: Abundance, community, confidence, ease, expression, and support.
Keep near a mirror and speak loving words to your philo.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Bright indirect to direct light with hardening off.
Water: Allow top half of soil to dry before saturating. We like to watch what our plant is saying and wait for the leaves to wilt just a little.
Temps: Best between 65 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Not safe for pets. For more information please visit
Pilea symbolizes:
Care can vary depending on the type of Pilea. Some are semi succulent and like to dry out and others hate to be dry. Listen to your plant. Thick leaves store water, thin leaves do not.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Water: Look for signs of thirst and soak. Be careful to not water too frequently.
Temps: Best between 65 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Safe for Pets!…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal, Good luck, prosperity, protection, healing, medicinal,antibacterial
Sansevieria symbolizes: Abundance, amplification, boundaries, independence, motivation, protection and purification. Place near doors and entryways to protect your space from negative energy and enhance positive vibes.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Light: Low to bright indirect light.
Water: Allow to dry out completely, then wait a little longer before watering.
temp: Keep temp above 50 Degrees.
Pets: When ingested by pets, it typically causes gastrointestinal signs (e.g., drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.). For more information please see…
Magical houseplants, magic, houseplants and magic, magical properties, Tropical, Tropical witch, Green witch, Tropical Green Witch,Symbolism, Witch plants, witches, pagan, paganism, wicca, Houseplant properties, spiritual, spiritual meaning, spirit, Medicinal, Good luck, prosperity, protection, healing, medicinal
Senecio Symbolizes: Manifestation
Use the leaves in manifestation work. Propagate them once you have finished.
Light: Succulents need as much light as you can give them. In the winter a south facing window is best. During the rest of the year they’ll be happy in any area that gets bright but indirect light.
Water: Succulents store water in their leaves making these plants very hard to underwater. However they can be easy to over water. String of pearls have a visual que. There is a darker stripe down the center of each pearl that opens (Appears thicker) to let more light in. As the plant becomes thirsty these windows will close.
Temps: best kept between 55 and 85 degrees.
Pets: If consumed by animals it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, skin irritation or lethargy. For more information please see…
Spathiphyllum symbolizes: Self love, peace, healing and reflection.
Provides wisdom of appropriate boundaries.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Lighting: Prefer bright light. An east facing window is ideal. Can tolerate Medium to low light but will not grow as quickly.
Water: Keep soil most. Peace Lilies can tolerate some drying out and will droop when thirsty.
Humidity: Prefer high humidity. Mist the leaves or add a gravel tray to help give them the humidity they crave.
Temps: Keep temps between 60 and 80 degrees. Does best around 70 degrees.
Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation the mouth and GI tract. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs making it difficult to breathe.
The peace lily does NOT cause acute kidney failure in cats when ingested. It is different from more dangerous types of lilies that can cause kidney failure (e.g., Easter, daylily, Asiatic, Japanese show, and Tiger lilies).
For more information please see…
Syngonium symbolizes: Alignment, balance, courage, healing, protection, spiritual growth and strength.
Place in a sacred space for deeper meditation and introspection and in bedrooms for restorative sleep.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic.
Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Water: Allow soil to dry before watering. soak soil all the way through.
Temps: keep temperatures above 60 degrees.
Pets: Contains insoluble oxalate crystals similar to other plants in the Araceae family. Chewing or biting into this plant will release these crystals causing tissue penetration and irritation to the mouth and oral cavity. VERY rarely, swelling of the upper airway occurs, making it difficult to breathe. For more information please visit…
Tradescantia Symbolize:
Light: Medium to bright indirect light. Can handle direct light with hardening off. if your plant is losing color it needs more light.
Water: Water when the top layer of soil is dry.
Humidity: Loves humidity but can tolerate regular household levels.
Temps: Best between 60 and 85 degrees.
Pets: Mildly toxic. Can cause dermatitis. For more information please visit… (PS I do not agree with using the name used on the ASPCA website. This was the only credible information I was able to find)
Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Banana’:
Bananas symbolize: Creativity and abundance
Set your intentions while cooking with bananas and eat them.
Juliet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
Light: Needs at least 8 hours of bright light a day.
Water: Water thoroughly when soil is dry
Temps: Best above 65 degrees
Pets: Safe for pets!…
Tillandsia: Air Plant
Tillandsia symbolizes: Creativity, imagination, independence, intuition, and receptivity.
Keep in workspaces to calm worries and increase creativity.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Zamioculcas zamiifolia:
Zamioculcas zamiifolia symbolizes: Awareness, expression, fun, independence, joy, protection, purifying, spiritual expansion, and wisdom.
Place in study areas, studios, offices and workspaces to enhance focus, productivity, and creativity.
Rachael Cohn ~ Everyday Plant Magic
Ju;iet Diaz ~ Plant Witchery
ZZ plants are one of the easiest to care for!
Light: Low to bright light. Can tolerate direct light with hardening off.
Water: Allow soil to dry out completely, then wait a little longer before watering. ZZ store extra water and nutrients in their roots making it much easier to over water than to underwater.
Temps: best kept between 60 and 75 degrees. Can tolerate temps as low as 45 degrees.
Pets: If chewed or swallowed symptoms can cause immediate pain or a burning sensation and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue and throat. Contact dermatitis may also occur in sensitive individuals. For more information please visit…
Rebecca 435-592-1632 Variegated Peru